Is your waterbed leaking? We can repair your waterbed!
Our service is to come and repair the leak in your waterbed. The leak is professionally repaired, using teh best glues available in the trade.
The standard procedure is to empty the waterbed, repair the leak, clean, dry and inspect the mattress and then fill it again with warm water. Our guarantee is for one year.
Price for service is 139 euros. The price includes all repair materials and call out charges.
Broken waterbed heaters are also replaced, we use Akva Heaters. Akva Waterbed heaters are 295 euros including installation. Heater only is 180 euro's ex porto prepaid for postal delivery.
Waterbed service was formed in 2009 to create an alternative service for waterbeds. Our unique philosophy is do what is right for the customer. The watermatras is inspected and if the plastic is worn out or the stabilzation is bad then a a new one can be offered. Otherwise the puncture is simply repaired and further mantenence advice offered. Akva service has over 15 years experience repairing leaks, placing beds and providing relacement waterbed mattresses. Those years of service have provided a valuable lesson. Don't sell bad mattresses. Many calls are for mattresses that are less than 4 years old and have been sold for bargain prices.
Replacement Watermattress are quoted individually. Prices vary with size and degree of stabilization. Akva mattresses are made in the factory individually when the order is placed, The delivery time is typically less than two weeks.
The bill is payable by cash or with internet banking.
Retail outlet supplies exclusively products from Akva in Denmark and may deliver these high quality mattresses here to our customers. Akva mattresses are made with genuine Mesamoll Vinyl.